A Girl & A Gun | Range Bingo

2024/10/22 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM
Blackhawk Shooting Sports
Address: 24 N. Business Park Dr., Oostburg, WI 53070

Please join us for this fun and special night at the range. We will start with Range Bingo – a fun twist on the classic where we shoot a bingo card target to see who is the first to call BINGO!!
We will also have a PIZZA and FAREWELL party for our gunsister Stephanie S. who is moving out of the area. (Don’t worry, she’ll be back to visit!) Please sign up early so we know how much pizza to get.
Shooting Level: Beginner/Basic (from the bench without assistance but help is nearby)
Cost: Shooting is Free for Blackhawk Members, $10.00 AGAG Member & Guests + $5 for pizza